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Borough of Tavistock
Established 1920


Raffle License Requests:
Raffle license applications and information can be found on the NJ Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission website at Blank forms can be downloaded from their website. Organizations applying for a raffle must first have a gaming license from the State of New Jersey. Completed raffle applications are submitted to Terry Shannon, Deputy Clerk, at 229 Trenton Avenue, Barrington, NJ, 08007, and must be submitted at least one month prior to the scheduled event. For more information call 856-547-0706. To call Legalized Games of Chance, call 973-273-8000.

Marriage License Information:
To obtain a certified copy of a marriage license already on file, the fee is $10.00 per certified copy. To request a certified copy or to schedule an appointment to apply for a marriage license, call Terry Shannon, Registrar, at 856-547-0706 or email

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